Before shipping your product back please make sure you package it up exactly how you received it and in all of its original packaging. The customer will be responsible for all shipping fees. To receive your return instructions and RMA# please use our online form under Returns and Exchanges! Once you receive your return instructions please ship out the item at your earliest convenience and provide the tracking number to your customer service rep.
This insures the vent still blows air like stock to keep your windows defrosted.Īny returns for an exchange or refund will be allowed within 30 days from the receipt of your order and must be authorized prior to shipping with an RMA Number (Return Merchandise Authorization). One of the best features of the V2 version is we are now using ducting from the factory vent to the dock it self. This will insure your AP stays put on those high G launches and corners. The AP is secured inside the dock using the cable connection, the cradle the AP sits in and a high power neodymium magnet on the backside of the dock. The supplied adapter does all the work for you.
To plug your access port in you will simply have to set the AP on the dock and it will automatically connect. This also means you no longer have to fumble with your cable. The Dialed Mounts dock mount allows you to run the cable through your dash so you don't see it for a super clean look. The lower position allows better visibility and windshield clearance when you are taking your AP on and off its dock as well.
It simply snaps in like the stock vent for the easiest install possible. and will NOT require hardware for install. It is now injection molded! Along with the mount now being injection molded in a UV resistant polypropylene like the OEM vent the AP will now sit lower in the vent. This is a revised version to our original dock mount. If your dock wont push down flat into the dash you will need to trim the duct slightly as some seem to have more plastic on the end then others. NOTE: In our hunt to maximize the air flow through the dock we have noticed some models will require slight trimming to the oem vent duct as the cable adapter may contact it.